所有商品 »  Panel & Repeater » NFS-320 intelligent fire alarm control panels
NFS-320 intelligent fire alarm control panels

The NFS-320 and NFS-320R (Same as NFS-320 but in red enclosure) intelligent fire alarm control panels are part of NOTIFIER's UL listed ONYX Series.  It's designed specifically for small applications with features that minimize installation time, enable faster response times, and simplify maintenance and usability.

Features & Benefits:

  • Fully field programmable
  • Removable chassis design for easy installation and service
  • Direct connect to NOTIFIER FirstCommand™ Emergency Communications System
  • Networkable with NOTI-FIRE-NET and ONYXWorks compatible up to 200 nodes for NFN
  • Optional IP or GSM Communicator
  • Listings: Releasing, Mass Notification, Seismic Certified, Marine Approved


